EXTREME FRIGHTS ON FRIDAY #1: J Boote’s They Are All Monsters


Hello my fellow book addicts! It’s a me, B!

This is the first of a new series of articles for The Book Rant where every Friday (or almost every Friday, you know me and my issues 😉 ) write-up on a very, very, VERY, deranged, gore-filled, disgusting, anxiety-driven book that will make you, the readers, who spend your money on such things willingly hold a garbage can on your lap as you read. That or pull a Danny from Doctor Sleep and hang your head over the toilet.

The extreme horror novel, They Are All Monsters, by J Boote, is in the reigns of Woom and Pumpkin Night which were discussed here in the past. Readers are given up-close accounts of the psychopaths who are kidnapping children in a small town, and horrifyingly, mutilating them. Two killers are taking children, and it is theorized that holy crap, these two monsters are at competition with one another to see who can cause the most mayhem. If that is not already twisting your stomach into a knot, then let it be known this book does come with an actual warning label: “This is an extreme horror book containing scenes of a graphic nature. Do not read if easily shocked.

So remember, this could be you while reading if you are not used to extreme horror:

What makes a book “extreme” is the emphasis on the gore and traumatic events. These are not just stabs or a body being found, the scenes are described in a way to make the reader feel uncomfortable just like if you are scared in a real life situation. That is one of the goals of something like They Are All Monsters accomplishes. Online reviewers have called it “bloody sickening,” and “brutal from start to finish.” Andrew Van Wey, author of, By The Light of Dead Stars, said, that quite a few of his own readers have raved about it, so this is a book that has an audience. There is a police story involved with a traumatized detective trying to figure out how to stop two killers using his town as a murder chess board, but is worried he too may tap into his own darkness. He is also worried about the fact his daughter fits the victim profile.

Grab your copy at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BRGF3FDY?th=1&psc=1&geniuslink=true

ALSO IMPORTANT: I feel the need to remind whoever reads this, that the book discussed like almost everything on this website is a fictional tale. It’s plot and characters while they may have similarities to real people and events, those are a coincidence. This story is NOT real, nor is it pushing anyone to be as such. It is sad that that needs to be said, but so be it. Again, read the book at your own risk. If you love having the poop scared out of you you’ll enjoy this gem.

Video Review on the horror comic, REVIVAL


You guys finally get to see my ugly mug and hear my voice that makes Moe from The Simpsons sound like a fairy godmother. ;p ENJOY!!