Am I Alive?


The correct answer is, yes! I am so sorry for having a huge gap in content. Between work, writing, and working on my Youtube channel which you can check out and subscribe to below, I have not been getting time to work on my blog. Which sucks like a vacuum, because I love it here!

Recently though I was rejected from an anthology I submitted to, and was excited to be a part of. I thought I really was going to make the cut, but alas, I did not. However, while past experiences discouraged me, this one motivated the hell out of me! The anthology’s editors mentioned in the email that my story was good, there was just a lot of competition. I reached out for further advice, and was told my stories were competent (so they were not filled with tons of errors making it hard to read) so that made me excited, because it meant my writing skills have improved. They gave me a couple pointers for storytelling as well. Therefore, I write on!

I am currently working on more videos, a horror survivor novel, and a short story series which will be posted here to read for free. So thank you all, much love, and let’s keep creating.

Below is one of the book videos from my channel. Enjoy! There is also a link in the video description to donate to a charity that helps pets in need. Westley’s Wish.

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