Pop into the Indie Comic Community

Hello my fellow book addicts!  As promised, we are back with another blog post, this time diving into the world of indie comic books!  I would like to discuss a few comic writers I’ve come to know over the last couple years on a professional and personal level (sort…they are online friends after all, haha!)

First off, we have Tyler Carpenter who you can follow on Twitter and his awesome Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrawandTalk/about

Tyler is someone who has created a platform to discuss not just new books that are coming out in the indie community, but he is a writer and artist who asks the tough questions and dives head-first into topics about comic books others might find controversial, due to worrying about how others might feel when it comes to things such as properly running a kickstarter campaign, or how some of the mainstream comics like Marvel and DC are turning towards taking on social issues rather than focusing on better stories (if you’ve seen the most recent Texas Chainsaw movie, you would see Tyler has a point).

He has a new book coming out called The Girl with Mega Fists, which you can back on Kickstarter at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/entitycomic/the-girl-with-the-mega-fists-vol-1/

 And also check out here at: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-girl-with-the-mega-fists-/list?title_no=709612&webtoon-platform-redirect=true#:~:text=THE%20GIRL%20WITH%20THE%20MEGA%20FISTS%3A%20a%20new%20ongoing%20series,partner%20presented%20by%20the%20gods.

Next up, we have Chuck Pineau.  One of his most recent comics is Belia, a dark comedy.  Chuck is a freelance writer and editors on all things comics, and knows a lot for the young man that he is.  His strongest advice that even I took is to simply sit down and get to writing (unless you write better jumping on a trampoline, then to each their own).  On his Facebook page which you can access through the following link, Chuck does regular, live podcast videos on the comic book industry, interviewing other writers and artists.  The best part is if you have questions and are eager to learn, he always answers.  Chuck also is one of the friendliest, and most upbeat people I’ve met.  If there’s a source you’re looking for in the comic industry, follow Chuck!


Do you love horror, heroes, and mayhem?  Get on the Ruben Romero train!  Another friendly guy who is always willing to answer questions for up-and-coming writers like himself.  Ruben has numerous projects going at once ranging from freelancing to his own stories.  “I don’t want to be just a comic book writer, I want to be THE comic book writer.”  Those were his words as to the kind of comic book writer he wanted to be, and his magical stories such as The Illusion Witch prove just that.  Dive into the magical world he created with Aayda Locke, who encounters real magic and demons.  You can also follow Ruben’s facebook page for his reviews on all things books and movies (and he’s such a king, never spoils anything!).


Finally, let’s hear a little bit about Aaron Wroblewski.  His most recent book, Blood & Fire, is set in 16th Century Japan, a time when the country is in chaos. A samurai tale of family, honor, love, and betrayal. Melding action and horror, it follows Nakaaki whose revenge takes him beyond… blood and fire, as the great Aaron tells me.  His stories are gritty and gruesome, but damn are they works of art.  You can back books of his like Blood and Fire here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/a-aron/blood-and-fire-a-samurai-tale-chapter-1-of-3?ref=project_link&fbclid=IwAR2DOkfwES6tzAuFifzQLBk2ybIkOKNQ6vYnOsE-FXkRbWpf7SJwdfDK_cg

You can follow many of his other works here: https://www.facebook.com/ajwroblewski1

Comic Books are great things, and if you’re a reader, get reading comics.  They provide all the benefits in becoming more intelligent and creative as regular books do, with the bonus of also having drawings!  Until next time folks!

-B.N. Muraca

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